Heay! It is the first day of winter. 😁 So….I am just going to lay it out here: this is not my favourite season. I love the sun and those long days that seem to have endless possibilities. I can feel quite lethargic in winter and I don’t like feeling cold. 🤣 But, this winter I will try to change my mindset and turn it into something more positive. So my intention is: ‘I feel energetic and peaceful this winter.’ 😍
Setting an intention is very similar to planting a seed in the garden. 🌿 A seed might turn into a plant, or a tree, just like our intention might become reality in the future. More about intention setting (sankalpa) another day, but for now I will share a small goal towards my intention. 🤗
So, first a bit of an insight into my current morning routine: Alarm goes off – I press the snooze button – this repeats itself 3 times (yep, you read it correctly: 3 times!), meanwhile I THINK about the yoga practice I ‘should’ be doing – I unlock my phone and start checking for messages and replying to messages – it is now getting late, so I start my day……I feel rushed and I feel bad about not having done any yoga. 🤔 Sounds stressful? It is!
My goal this winter is to do yoga for 2 minutes every day BEFORE I unlock my phone. This can be poses (asana), meditation, breathing techniques (pranayama) or a combination. 😊
Just 2 minutes…. if this turns into 10 or 20 minutes then that is great, but 2 minutes is fine too. 😄 Yes, it will be freezing and dark, and I often will have to use all my willpower to get out of bed: but I CAN do this! (A workshop at my recent yoga teacher training @yoga_hereandthere helped to remind me that small changes can have a big impact, so thank you! 🙏).
I am excited to plant this little seed and to see what happens next. Do you have an intention this winter? 🙋🏻