Slowing down….this period is pretty crazy: having a young family, teaching at school 4 days a week and teaching kids yoga twice a week is a lot. 😅 Now please don’t get me wrong, I am loving every bit of my life and I am so grateful 🙏 but I am also giving myself permission to feel tired and overwhelmed at times. I have started taking lots of deep, slow breaths whenever I can and I literally try to sloooooow down. This takes effort as slowing down doesn’t come naturally to me.😊
Sometimes it looks like resting in child pose for a while, walking ever so slowly and mindfully from one place to another (tricky for me), slowly sipping my morning coffee, cooking more mindfully, spending time with my family in the garden🌸 or dropping my shoulders and relaxing my jaws when I remember.
These micro moments help me to create space and reconnect 💚 It allows me not to just ‘get through’ this, but to really enjoy and experience this active period.