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The present moment

The present moment……right here, right now as you breathe in and out, that’s it! 😊

Kids and adults alike, benefit so much from spending more time in the present moment. 💚 I struggle with this. 😬 There is always so much to do and there are so many things and people to worry about….thankfully, my yoga practice helps me to let go and reconnect. 🌱

Children feel our anxiety, our worries and our stress.😌 They need us adults to reassure them that everything is OK and that they are safe, right here, right now. Once they know, kids can shake off any outside influences and experience all the magic the present has to offer. ❤

In my classes I try to create a space where children feel safe, confident and ready to explore new poses, relaxation & breathing exercises…. and yoga games! 🙃 I am cooking up some special 2022 kids yoga plans, watch this space…or DM me if you want to know first. 🥰

© 2024 Younger Yoga