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Sharing a smile

Let’s share a smile with a child today…..Yes, children are resilient, for sure. 💪 But what is it like to grow up in a community living with and working through Covid? 🤔 I have no idea, I can only imagine. What does it feel like when in different places the adults around you are all wearing face masks, so you can’t share or catch a smile? 😷 Can a child find a way to deflect the fear and anxiety they are exposed to through the media and people around them? 🙈🙉

All I know is that humans need love, kindness and a feeling of safety. ❤ Children in particular. we can help the kids around us by sharing a simple smile with them….today! 😁 Maybe a random child that passes by on the streets, or outside the shops, in the park or at the beach. We can share our hugs with the children close to us. They need it.

And by doing these simple and free acts of love and kindness, we might just let our kids know that things will be OK in the end. 💚 That Covid won’t last forever and that we will get through this.

With loving kindness….and a smile,
💗 Anne

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