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Be. Just for 1 minute…..this term I’ll invite the Younger Yogis to sit still for 60 seconds towards the end of each yoga class. 🧘 Now this is an open invitation and I have no idea if they’ll accept it! πŸ˜‚

But because I like to practise what I teach, I have started to sit still myself and just be….. for 60 seconds. 😊 I should probably add that I normally meditate in the morning and either choose a visualisation or a guided meditation.

πŸ’š To
πŸ’š Just
πŸ’š Be

is not something I do very often. And I actually find it quite confronting and uncomfortable. πŸ™ˆ No phone, or other devices, no reading, eating, talking, moving….simply sitting and breathing. 🌱

Would you like to give it a go right now? 🌞 I mean, I am sure you have a minute to spare, right? After, you can go straight back to your day! πŸ˜„

Well, here we go: sit in a comfortable, upright position on a chair, couch or on the floor. 🧘 Maybe close your eyes or soften the gaze and just…..sit and breathe.

When you feel 1 minute has passed, you start moving again and you can go back to your day.

I would love to know how you went?!?! πŸ€— How did you feel during this practice? Did you notice anything after this short practice?

πŸ’• Anne

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