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Safe space

Here at Younger Yoga I love providing a safe space for children so they can…..

🌱 connect with their own bodies through movement, breathing & relaxation and learn to accept themselves exactly where they are in that moment. Because too often children are consciously or unconsciously comparing themselves to others.

🌱 Have a chance to connect with other children in the community and safely share their feelings and thoughts. Because learning that all feelings are valid and that they are not alone in their experiences might help them further develop their confidence and compassion.

🌱 Find the space between movements, the breath and activities. Since there is always stillness and calm to be found, but like anything else, it takes practice.

🌱 Find stillness in moments to rest, relax and recharge. And this is just as important for kids as it is for adults.😊 But this is challenging in such a busy world where we are often switched-on (just like our devices!).

When there is space, there is room for growth, reflection, creativity, imagination, learning and healing. 🌱

And I just so happen to love teaching Kids Yoga and Mindfulness. 🥰

Stay tuned for more info about Kids Holiday Yoga (for kids 5 – 12 yo) in the upcoming break!!! 😁 💚🧘❤🤸

💕 Anne

© 2024 Younger Yoga