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A piece of art

What is your favourite thing to do? 🤔 I LOVE going on nature walks with my family. 🥰 For us, this usually means a walk along the beach close to our home. 🌊

A few weeks ago the weekend, I went on such a walk with my 11 yo son. It was a beautiful, sunny, autumn afternoon. We were exploring some new trails along the pebble beach, when I found an intricate looking branch. It was almost like the branch had grown like a spiderweb.

I said to my son: ‘Wow, look at this branch. It is like a piece of art.’ My son replied: ‘Hmmm, I kind of see it and I kind of don’t. And, Mum, the whole world is a piece of art!’

This moment gave me such a big smile: what if that is our perception in life: that the whole world really is a piece of art? How amazing would that be!? 🙏😁❤️

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