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Spring BREAK

I have been lucky to spend time with my family this spring break. ❤️

Discovering new places here in South Australia, playing board games, enjoying daily walks, being in nature and above all: enjoying each other’s company.

Switching off by taking time out on social media (or at least partially) is probably not advised when running a small business. 😂 But I once promised myself to spend more time in the present moment. 🌻 I simply haven’t been successful at this, whilst being surrounded by devices. 🙈

I now feel rested, recharged and inspired.

How about you? Do you take breaks from the news and social media at times? 🤔

I am slowly returning to work life and creating new Mindfulness programs for schools to help students feel more confident, compassionate and resilient.⭐️

It is such a privilege to share my passion and experience in schools to improve children’s mental health and support academic learning. 🧘‍♂️ Email me if you want to learn more.

After-school Kids Yoga is starting soon as well. I can’t wait for another wonderful term of movement, focus and relaxation.🧘🌸🤸

Thank you for checking in again and reading this blog post. 🙏I really appreciate it.

I hope you will take a break too, when you feel you need it. 🌈

💕 Anne

© 2024 Younger Yoga