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Looking Back on 2022: Feeling So Grateful

When you love something right down to your bones, it feels like pure joy. That’s what I feel when I share Yoga and Mindfulness with kids. ❤️

This year I have been able to offer Kids Yoga classes each term at Salt Yoga Aldinga. Thank you so much Jamie Carter for welcoming us back into this beautiful space. I also feel grateful for the support of all the families and for bringing the children to class each week. I have seen children balance, move, stretch, wobble, focus, breathe, play, listen, share and laugh…..lots of laughing! 😁

Last week I had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and passion of Kids Yoga and Mindfulness with the soon-to-be yoga teachers Yoga Here and There Teacher Trainings at Riverdell Spiritual Centre… Just WOW! 🌟 Sharing these moments with the group felt so inspiring. On the way home, I cooked up lots of new plans. 😊

2022 also saw us here at Younger Yoga offer Mindfulness programs to primary schools in Adelaide. What a journey this has been. Noticing the positive effects Mindfulness has on children’s mental health and wellbeing has been really humbling. I hope to connect with even more schools next year.

A heartfelt thanks to you, for sharing this digital space with me and being part of my community. I know social media is loud and overwhelming at times and it means the world to me that you are taking your time to read my words. 🙏

Lots of love and peace to you, in the last weeks of 2022 🌸 and I wish you all the very best for 2023! 🎆

💕 Anne

© 2024 Younger Yoga