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A quiet post

A quiet post….
I wish words on a screen could adapt according to the intentions of the writer. If that was possible, this post would somehow look like a very quiet post. Some Yin to my last post’s Yang. Some balance. ☯

Spring is in the air here in Adelaide and I feel happiness and gratitude for so many people and things in my life. But I also feel sadness. Sadness for current events in the world and the impact these have on adults and children. I wish it was different. Less harmful, less scary, less devastating. My heart goes out to these people. 🙏

Now I literally take a deep breath to create some space….and I keep coming back to my practice of yoga. As useless as that might seem to some, it is what helps me stay grounded and connected. By practicing yoga, I can’t solve any of the big world problems, but my practice inspires me and gives me hope. It helps me to stay connected to a place of light and love.

© 2024 Younger Yoga