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Balancing….was this week’s theme in the Kids Yoga classes. What does balancing mean to you?🤔 I always thought that balancing was that moment when you are getting things just right: like doing a fancy yoga pose and making it look easy, or when life just feels so sweet that work and home are like a warm summer breeze. 🌞

Now I am thinking that balancing might be all of that, but also the moments life feels really, really tough and you just keep going and the times you abruptly fall out of a yoga pose in the most awkward position, but you get up to try again….and everything in between. 🌈

I have loved listening to the children’s ideas about this topic, as we talked about balancing our bodies on the yoga mat, but also finding a balance in our daily lives: using technology vs ‘playing off-line’, sometimes eating treats and eating nutritious food often, finding rest after lots of play and working on balancing negative and positive thoughts. 💚

Kids amaze me every single day and I feel so lucky to teach and learn from them. ❤🙏😊

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