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Beach body

Self-acceptance…..This photo represents me stepping out of my comfort zone.🚶‍♀️ Yoga teaches me to meet myself on the yoga mat where I am in that moment. Exactly how I am. Even if that means I can’t bend very far in my forward fold, or I am not strong enough yet for Crow pose. It doesn’t ask for a fancy yoga mat or expensive leggings. It is actually not even about adding on, but taking away.

This summer I decided to take these lessons and apply them off the yoga mat: onto the beach.🏖 Although I felt my body wasn’t looking ‘beach ready’ yet, I wondered: ‘What if I never achieve THAT look? And what if the way I look right now is good enough?’ 🥰

At the end of the day, I want to learn to accept myself exactly as I am. Inside and out. And I hope my kids will do the same.💕 So, I visited the beach more often than I have ever done. Without any devices (only one time to take some photos) and I dove right in. Literally. Into the ocean. 🌊 Again and again.

And THAT feeling….the feeling of diving into the water and going under… is the best feeling ever. 🌟 I can’t even describe it.

As autumn is setting in and winter is near, I think back on such a wonderful summer. 💖 One full of memories spent with my family at the beach. Exactly how we are.

© 2024 Younger Yoga