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Book Week 2021

It is the end of Book Week 2021 πŸ’‘πŸ“šβ€ I absolutely adore books. 😍 When I was little, I used to spend hours and hours in the public library and the library is still one my favourite places to visit. My son is a huge bookπŸ› too, he has just as many books piled up next to his bed as I used to have. πŸ˜‚ My daughter has just turned 1 and she starts her day by crawling to her bookshelf and finding herself a book to look at, too. ❀

At Kids Yoga this week we looked at one of my favourite children’s books: ‘In My Heart’ by Jo Witek. The children took turns reading the book and then created yoga poses to suit the different emotions. We also shared ideas about how yoga poses, breathing and relaxation can help us when we feel sad, angry, scared or when we have a broken heart. ❀ The yoga game we played afterwards was lots of fun. Look at all the fierce warriors! 😁

Knowing that our emotions change all the time and that everyone feels a range of emotions, is such a powerful message for children. 😍 What is your favourite children’s book? πŸ˜€

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