Let’s talk comfort zone! 🤗
The mandala’s I wanted to include in my Kids Yoga Holiday Workshop brought me way out of my comfort zone! 😂
1. It was a lot harder to organise than I anticipated
2. It took heaps more time than I expected
3. I had no idea what I was doing
It left me feeling pretty anxious at times. And I was thinking of dropping it all together. BUT…..I know that out of my comfort zone is where awesome stuff happens! ✨️ It is called the growth zone! 🤓 If we keep doing the same thing over and over again, we simply can’t grow and learn.
In my kids yoga classes we often talk about having a growth mindset and challenging ourselves in class, as well as in our daily lives. 💪This is just as important for kids as it is for adults.
Did you know you have to go from feeling safe and in control (comfort zone) through the fear zone to get to the learning zone & growth zone??? (Source: Positive Psychology) Yep, it is a bit of a journey, but it is so worth it! 🤗
More about this next week!
I am so glad I persisted. And seeing the children’s enthusiasm made it all worth it. 💖
Thank you to Gina from Little Glory Studio for your tips on pressing flowers and to The Rusty Flower Farm for selecting the perfect flowers.
💕 Anne