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Feeling relaxed

What do you need to feel safe and relaxed? 🤔 Have you noticed how you can feel much more relaxed in one place or situation, as opposed to another? I know that quite a few boxes need to be ticked, before I can completely rest. 😂 I think this might be the same for kids.

When you think about it, it is a big thing, right? To completely let go and trust that you are safe and everything is well in that moment…. It is also such a huge step away from our active day-to-day lives.

A few months ago I noticed that many kids in my yoga classes found it hard to relax. I felt like I was missing something. So I decided to observe and learn from the children themselves what it is that they need to let go and rest during our last part of class (Savasana).

I decided to try different types of music and to offer a range of props and restorative poses. The Younger Yogi’s taught me that there is no one way to rest. That for some children rest looks like wiggling and making small noises. That rest can be the hardest part of a class. And that relaxing is easier on some days than others. It made me realise that just like all the other parts of yoga, relaxation is a practice, too. 😊

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