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Kids Yoga benefits

Growing up today is a lot different than it was 20 or 30 years ago…..and some! πŸ˜‚ Even in the last 2 years a lot has changed in the world. πŸƒ More than ever, our children need life skills to navigate through difficult times and to truly feel safe and connected whenever possible. πŸ’š

I think Kids Yoga can help. It can give children a break from any pressure they might experience in daily life, as well as encourage kids to grow a sense of belonging and self-acceptance. πŸ’–

So yes, each Kids Yoga class provides a full-body workout and is all about having fun, but it can also help kids:

– improve concentration by learning to focus the mind and practise breathing techniques
– cope with self-regulation and stress by encouraging body awareness and relaxation
– build muscle tone, flexibility and balance by practising a range of yoga poses
– build confidence and a positive self-image by using a growth mindset and practising kindness towards themselves and others. πŸŒ±πŸŒˆπŸ’š

Sometimes I wonder if children are taking in the underlying lessons I am trying to teach, but then a parent tells me their child was teaching a peer belly breathing when they got upset, or that one of the children used child’s pose to calm down before sleep. 😍

And even if a child is just interested in the physical aspects of yoga, my hope is that all children benefit from the safe, nurturing and non-competitive space I hold for them. ❀

There are still some spots available for next term. Please DM me for any questions and use the link in my bio to book. β˜„

I wish you a wonderful day for now! πŸŒΈπŸ™

Β© 2024 Younger Yoga