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New yoga mats

That new mat feeling….A new year and new yoga mats for the Younger Yogi’s! 😁 I am so happy with these colourful ecomats that just arrived in the mail and…my daughter is loving them too. 🥰 I have put them away a few times, but she keeps getting them out. 😅

I think yoga is needed now more than ever before. 🧘Our world is chaotic at the moment and our kids need a place to relax, switch off, connect and have fun. 🌱

I am planning a series of fun, intentional and engaging yoga classes. 🤸The first series in Aldinga is sold out, but spaces are still available for the second series at Salt Yoga in Christies Beach. 😊 Booking link in bio.

With loving kindness 💚

© 2024 Younger Yoga