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So much fun!

This week’s kids yoga class was SO much fun at Fleurieu Yoga. ❤ The kids are moving through Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation) now, as if they have done it for years. 😀 I can’t believe how much we do in just 45 minutes! Breathing, moving, relaxing and lots of playing and laughing! 😁

I always allow plenty of time for children to be creative and this week we did some Olympics inspired yoga games. ⛹🚴🤾🤺🤸

It is such a privilege to teach kids yoga! Thank you to all the kids for showing up every week and sharing their yoga practice with me (and to their families for bringing them!) I am already looking forward to next week! 💃🏻

Oh, I almost forgot: I will be taking bookings soon for term 4! Yes, it will be here before we know it!😅

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