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Some days are not like other days

Some days….you know how some days can feel like other days, but then once in a while a day can simply blow you away?🥰 I had one of those special days on the weekend when Yoga Here & There invited me to run a workshop about kids yoga at beautiful Riverdell Spiritual Centre.

I had been preparing for this workshop for months 😅 (yes, I have the tendency to over-prepare!) and I was pretty nervous about it, but I also felt so excited and grateful.

My biggest challenge was to trust that I knew what to say, when to say it and to speak from the heart. ❤ I couldn’t have done that a few years ago, it would have made me too anxious. But adapting a growth mindset has helped me so much and I kept telling myself that it didn’t have to be perfect. 😊

Teaching kids yoga is my happy place and sharing this joy with a bunch of lovely soon-to-be yoga teachers and yoga teachers meant the world to me.

I shared some of my ideas and experiences of teaching kids yoga and helping kids be successful in a yoga class, we played lots of kids yoga games and did some problem solving, too. 😁 There were so many smiles and giggles!

A heartfelt thank you to Yaisa Nio for trusting me to deliver this workshop and to everyone that joined in for sharing your joy and engagement. 🥰🙏

© 2024 Younger Yoga