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Why kids yoga?

Why kids yoga? In the last few weeks I have started this post dozens of times. 😂 I went down the rabbit hole of finding research about the benefits of kids yoga. There is so much evidence these days that kids yoga is beneficial, but I want to share my take on it, too. 😊

The first answer that comes to mind: ‘Because kids love yoga!’ 😍 Kids and yoga just match….
Sometimes I worry that it is some sort of magic that might run out one day. 🤔 But everytime I teach yoga to kids, it happens: I see happy and engaged children. I hear creative ideas bubbling up. After a couple of classes, some kids find it easier to relax a bit more, to share their ideas, to play and let go a bit more, to be a bit more present. ❤

I create a safe environment together with the children, where they can challenge themselves and learn new things. In my yoga classes, I teach yoga poses, breathing techniques and relaxation. Kids love playing, so I also include things like yoga games and story telling. I often create my classes based on positive themes such as gratitude, kindness and compassion. 💚

Yoga can inspire children to be kind, patient, accepting, and emphatic with themselves and their peers.

So back to the studies. What do they say? Well, that there are many benefits to kids yoga! It increases children’s confidence, builds concentration and strengthens growing bodies. That kids yoga can help children regulate their emotions and improve a feeling of well-being. And the list goes on! 😀

Back to the question at hand: ‘Why kids yoga?’
My answer: ‘Why not?’ 😁

I will be taking bookings soon for next terms kids yoga classes @fleurieuyoga for 6 to 12 year olds Wednesdays 4 pm – 4.45 pm. Investment $125. I am so excited! ❤

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