Yoga teaches me to be more curious, compassionate, grateful, resilient and confident. 🙏 To compare less and judge less. To take some time out during the day to breathe and….BE. 💚
And this is not easy, that’s why yoga is a practice.😁 It is never done, ticked-off or completed. It feels different from moment to moment and there is always more to learn. I used to find this very frustrating, because I was so focussed on the outcome of my efforts. And I often still am, but I am starting to find comfort in this process.
Downward Facing Dog is one of the yoga poses that symbolises this really well for me. 🤪 Although a favourite from many, it is a challenging one for me. Even after years of practice. 😂 I know now that I Iearn each and every time I form this shape with my body and that the resistance I feel is much more a guide than an enemy.
What about you? Do you have any yoga poses that challenge you? 🧘