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Yoga in jeans

So yes, I totally love yoga in jeans! 🥰 Weird, right? Let me explain: of course yoga in pj’s or leggings is much more comfy, but I love yoga in jeans simply because it means I am making time for my yoga asana (poses) practice. ❤🙏

I am not sure about your mornings, but some mornings I find myself having just a few minutes left before I head out to work. Instead of spending this time on my phone or doing some housework, I often flow through a few sun salutations or another flow of movements that feels good in my body at that time.

I often find my lower back, upper back and hips feel a bit tight in the morning, so I try to tune in to those sensations to soften and release some tension. 💚 These 5 minute yoga practices are very minimal, yes, but so real and frequent. I love them just as much as a 60-minute yoga class. 🥰

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