
Younger Yoga provides mindfulness techniques for young people to improve their mental health and overall wellbeing.

Children today face challenges most of us adults didn’t encounter growing up: social media, excessive screen time and the effects of Covid-19, just to name a few. And that is on top of stressors like peer pressure, changes in the family situation, negative thoughts and frustrations at school. Here at Younger Yoga, we are very passionate about children’s mental health and wellbeing. Our yoga and mindfulness programs offer invaluable tools to help navigate the ups and downs of daily life, so children can grow up to be confident, resilient, and compassionate. 

Benefits of our Kids Yoga & Mindfulness programs

Anne creates a safe space for children to show up exactly as they are, away from pressures and outside influences. Through an intentional sequence of activities, students learn different tools to help regulate tension, stress and anxiety. Anne also shows children ways of implementing these tools in daily life.

Younger Yoga offers secular programs for all children, regardless of gender, race, social and economic background, religious beliefs and additional needs. Anne uses her experience as an educator to include all children in class and she mindfully adapts her program to the needs of the group.

Over the years, Anne has found that children can lack core strength and have adapted poor posture due to extended time spent behind devices. Core practice in mindfulness class, and poses in yoga class, develops muscle-tone and improve postural habits by strengthening core muscles and body awareness. Anne models her teaching and offers modifications to suit diverse, growing bodies.

As children calm their body and mind, they can connect with their internal sensory system. This is where the internal physical and emotional states of the body are noticed, recognised, identified and responded to. Self-regulation is our ability to manage emotions. Developing interoceptive awareness is the foundation of self-regulation.

Children often compare and compete in real life and in the online world. This can be exhilarating and exciting, but it often leads to mental health problems and low self-esteem. In class, children are invited to arrive exactly as they are in a safe, nurturing space. They can release any tension, express themselves freely, challenge themselves by giving the activities a go and connect with their inner world, as well as the group.

‘Concentrate!’ ‘Focus on your work!’. Children regularly hear these words from adults, without understanding its meaning. Yoga and mindfulness teaches children what concentrating and focusing means and what it can look like. With improved concentration, children spend more time on-task which can positively impact academic results.

Benefits Mindfulness

Our Kids Yoga and Mindfulness programs:

  • Are research-based and secular (no religious suggestions)
  • Contain breathing exercises, meditation, mindful activities, sharing circles and relaxation
  • Focus on being aware of thoughts, feelings and sensations in the body
  • Connect children to the present moment where there is no stress, anxiety or depression
  • Build awareness, compassion and kindness towards self and others
  • Are fun and engaging!

What does Younger Yoga do?

  • Offer in-person Mindfulness Programs to schools. Kind Kidz is our signature program specifically designed for primary school students in South Australia, aligned with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA), Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Positive Education
  • Design and facilitate high-quality, in-person Kids Yoga trainings in Adelaide. Our workshops and trainings help anyone working with children to teach Kids Yoga and Mindfulness with confidence and ease.
  • Provide after school Kids Yoga classes to support families in nurturing their children’s physical and mental health, as well as overall wellbeing