School Programs

Kind Kidz is our signature Mindfulness program specifically designed for primary school students in South Australia.

“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Many students struggle with anxiety and stress, which affects their mental health and overall wellbeing. A growing number of research studies suggest that school-based Mindfulness programs have beneficial effects on student emotional regulation, health and performance, teacher wellbeing, and classroom climate. Kind Kidz is our signature Mindfulness program and aims to bring your students all these benefits and more, so students can thrive. 

Kind Kidz is taught over 8 weeks, in-person and on-site by Anne Stufkens, founder of Younger Yoga. Anne is also a certified Mindfulness teacher, qualified Kids Yoga teacher and experienced primary school teacher. This program is specifically designed for primary school students in South Australia. Each 50-minute class is delivered as part of the Health and PE Curriculum. The program is research-based, and trauma informed. It also aligns with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA), Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), and Positive Education.

Younger Yoga's programs

  • Research based

    Research studies suggest that school-based Mindfulness programs have beneficial effects on student emotional regulation, health, and performance.

  • Educational

    Our Mindfulness programs support academic learning, are trauma-informed, and align with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA), Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), and Positive Education.

  • Engaging

    Student engagement is our top priority at Younger Yoga. Our classes are safe, inclusive, appropriately challenging, fun and age appropriate.

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"A new study suggests that mindfulness education — lessons on techniques to calm the mind and body — can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to stay engaged, helping them stay on track academically and avoid behavior problems."

(Harvard GSE, 2019)

“Whatever situation we find ourselves in, mindfulness helps us to pause, to pay attention to the moment, to understand ourselves and what is happening around us more clearly, and to approach our challenges with greater calm and insight.”


(Bethune, A & Prof. Weare, K, Mindfulness Initiative, 2020)

“Focusing attention on the present moment’s sensations of the body in a mindfulness practice can actually change the circuits in the brain. Being present like this has also been shown to help us concentrate, balance emotion, and be more resilient in the face of challenges. And it has also shown to make us happier. No kidding.”

(Siegel, Daniel J. MD)

Kind Kidz

Students are invited to

  • Participate in Mindfulness activities to reduce stress, tension and anxiety by connecting to the present moment
  • Build on a basic understanding of the brain and neuroscience
  • Explore different relaxation and meditation techniques and learn how the practices can help in daily life
  • Engage in breathing practices to slow down the nervous system and build interoceptive skills
  • Connect with their own thoughts, feelings and sensations in the body (time-in)
  • Participate in sharing circles to increase a sense of belonging and learn about concepts like kindness, gratitude, and compassion

Included in the program

  • Complimentary call to find out how we can best assist your students
  • A short presentation during your staff meeting, explaining the program, expected benefits and classroom expectations
  • Any props used in class 
  • Outline of the learning intentions and success criteria
  • Set of Younger Yoga’s breathing cards to use after each lesson
  • A mindful gift for each participating class
  • Class certificate of completion for each participating class

Younger Yoga also offers

  • FREE trial lesson onsite
  • Kids yoga programs (desk-based or mat-based) specifically designed for primary school students in South Australia and delivered on-site by Anne
  • Tailor-made programs that suit your school and students

Contact us today to find out how we can support your school.